Saturday, March 29, 2014

Charlotte injury lawyer sites deeper issues for automotive industry

Charlotte injury lawyer
A case of profits over the public
Charlotte injury lawyers have long been on the front line protecting the interests of Carolinians when it comes to auto accidents and product liability. Tragically, vehicle owners and passenger have suffered personal injuries and deaths that are directly related to these automobile defects. What is particularly disturbing is that in the case of both corporations, the automakers were aware of these issues over a decade ago, more than a year before the first documented deaths. A number of lawsuits related to the documented deaths have begun to make their way through the court system. The recall notices are still in effect and has been extended to hundreds of thousands of vehicles, so it may take years to determine the full impact of this situation and exactly how it will change the industry. What is clear is that the court system will be hearing cases involving these vehicles in the months and years to come.

Corporate responsibility
Product liability and wrongful death attorneys find these revelations disturbing and increasingly common. It is reasonable to understand that private companies have an obligation to shareholders and investors to make a profit but that does not override their responsibility to create products that are safe for consumers and society at large. These automakers will seemingly be held accountable for these lapses and should be under close scrutiny in the future in order to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.

Depending on your Charlotte injury attorney

Residents of Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, and cities throughout the Carolinas have depended on the Olive Law Firm for personal injury, product liability, and wrongful death cases for over 56 years. This means that their accident and injury attorneys will always be ready to work for you and your family. If you or a family member is injured, and you suspect it to be the result of negligence or an act of omission; call the offices of the Olive law Firm for a free consultation with a Charlotte injury lawyer.

Personal injury attorney keeps the focus on child car accident injuries

Personal Injury attorney
Protect your child from auto injuries
Personal injury attorneys know how important car seats and seat belt can be. Recent reports reveal that third of the children who died in car accidents in the U.S. in 2011 were not properly buckled in. Personal injury lawyers understand that millions of children are still at risk because there are still a significant number of children that are not properly buckled in during each and every car ride. Our children rely on us to keep them safe on our roadways.

Car seats are not purchased for convenience like strollers. Car seats are designed to save your child’s life. The most important rule it to find a car seat that fits your child. Assess their car seat every six months because as children grow, how they sit in the car will invariably change. Make sure the car seat you choose is designed to fit your child's current size and age group.

Your safest option is to buy a brand new car seat for your child. You should only purchase a used car seat if you personally know of its full crash history. It is best to buy used car seats from people that you know and trust. It is best to refrain from buying car seats from a thrift store or over the internet. Once a car seat has been involved in a car crash, it should be immediately replaced.

A Charlotte, NC personal injury attorney

It is important to remember that no matter how safe you try to be, negligent and irresponsible people are on the road with you. This is why the accident and injury attorneys at the Olive Law Firm of Charlotte, NC are also ready to work for you and your family. If you or a family member ends up injured as the result of a negligent act or an act of omission; call the offices of the Olive law Firm for a free consultation with a Charlotte personal injury attorney.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Dealing with wrongful death claims in Charlotte, NC

Wrongful death
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Loss of a loved one
Personal injury attorneys provide a much-needed service for families that are caught in the fog of dealing with the wrongful death of a family member regardless of the reason for that loss. Hiring a personal injury attorney is crucial because it is difficult enough to deal with the loss of a loved one, much less having to deal with insurance companies who are pressuring you to get your signature for a quick settlement that usually is woefully deficient. In these times your family deserves the attention and experience of a Charlotte wrongful death attorney.

Compensation and reimbursement
Family members of the deceased are entitled to many kinds of compensation including an award for pain and suffering, loss of companionship, loss of future earnings, and benefits lost. The family is also entitled to reimbursement for burial and funeral expenses, for medical expenses incurred, and any miscellaneous expenses related to the passing or loss of the family member. A number of damages that a wrongful death lawyer can obtain for your family depends on many factors.

Choosing the best wrongful death attorney in North Carolina

Wrongful death claims are often brought by the spouse, children, and sometimes the parents on behalf of the deceased. Because wrongful death cases are uniquely complicated, you need a lawyer with the knowledge and experience that can obtain justice for you and your family. With more than 56 years of trial experience in wrongful death and personal injury cases, The Olive Law Firm knows the law inside and out and will put their knowledge to use for you. Call their office to talk about wrongful death in Charlotte, Raleigh, Asheville, NC, and the surrounding areas.

Product liability laws are written to protect consumers

Product Liability
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Understanding product liability
Product liability laws will vary from state to state, but the common premise is that companies are obligated to protect consumers from potential hazards that are caused by, or related to their product(s). Product liability cases are generally classified in three separate categories. The first classification is a design flaw. The manufacturer is required to design a product that is safe. If they build a product that has something inherently dangerous about the design; when someone or something is injured, a personal injury lawyer will have to prove exactly that. They will also need to prove that the company was aware of the problem, yet did nothing to correct it. Product liability lawsuits that claim design defects are tremendously difficult to prove, because many companies spend years testing their designs before releasing the product to the public.

One line of reasoning in a product liability case is when the manufacturer “fails to warn.” Every company has an obligation to warn consumers about any hazards and dangers associated with the use of their products. The most common solution is for the company to place a warning label in a conspicuous area on the product packaging, or in accompanying instructions. In fact, you will find it extremely difficult to buy products that do not have some type of warning about its use, no matter how obvious the warning may seem.

An experienced law firm for product liability in Charlotte, NC

If you are looking for a personal injury lawyer with substantial experience with various types of product liability cases, consider the attorneys at The Olive Law Firm. They are skilled and qualified attorneys who have handled cases involving defective products, medical devices, and automotive parts. If you or someone in your family has been injured by a defective product, or if someone you love has died because of use of a defective or dangerous product, you should speak with an Olive Law Firm product liability attorney right away.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Charlotte accident lawyer helps victims with catastrophic injuries

Accident lawyer
Understanding catastrophic injuries
Suffering from catastrophic injuries means that life before the injury will never be the same, but your Charlotte accident lawyer can make sure that you have the benefit of an optimal lifestyle. Catastrophic injury usually means that the injured individuals and their family must deal with long-term or lifetime disfigurement, impairment, or disability. These injuries can result from many kinds of personal injury accidents. The most common accidents that result in significant damage include auto accidents, motorcycle accidents, and truck accidents.

Traumatic brain injury
Traumatic brain injuries and spinal injuries often result in paraplegia or quadriplegia. This most devastating of catastrophic injuries occurs when a person experiences a sharp blow to the head that results in bruising and swelling of the brain. Even after making it through the most life threatening phase of the injury, the victim must continue to deal with symptoms such as headaches, memory loss, cognitive difficulties, and chance of reduced mental capacity. The most devastating injuries can result in the accident victim ending up in a vegetative state. Serious spinal cord damage can leave the injured individual with the same types of paralysis.

Charlotte accident lawyers handle catastrophic injury cases

The lawyers at The Olive Law Firm can answer your questions about drunken driving, tractor trailer collisions, motorcycle crashes, and car accidents. They can help you understand your rights and give you insight to the process of pursuing compensation for your property damage, injuries, pain, lost wages, and medical bills to name a few. For more than a half a century, The Olive law firm has been helping the residents of Charlotte, Raleigh, and Asheville, NC find just compensation for your injuries and suffering. Please contact them to find out if an accident attorney can help you protect your rights.

All you need to know about auto accident attorneys

Accident attorney
Why you should hire an auto accident attorney
Hiring an auto accident attorney should be your top priority once you have been involved in a car accident, even if you seem to be uninjured. An auto accident attorney understands how important it is for you to receive proper compensation for any and all losses that you incur as a result of the accident. This includes medical bills, continuing therapy, car repairs and lost wages. It is emotionally challenging and physically stressful to handle all of these details when up against trained professionals who are intent on saving their company money at your expense. Especially if you are still recovering, so why not use the services of an expert?

When to hire an auto accident attorney
Hire your auto accident attorney as soon as possible, after the occurrence of the accident. This way, your attorney can get right to work filing for personal injury claims, lost wages, and medical expenses. Never agree on a settlement with the insurance company, especially if you have been involved in a severe accident, without seeking the services of an attorney.

Speak with one of the top accident attorneys in Charlotte, NC

Even if you are not sure that you have a case, you have nothing to lose by seeking advice from a car accident injury attorney from the Olive Law Firm. They have been helping residents of North Carolina seek justice for nearly 60 years. Consult with a car accident attorney from the Olive law Firm, servicing Charlotte, Raleigh, and Asheville, NC, as well as the surrounding areas.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Worker’s compensation attorneys aid undocumented workers

Worker’s compensation attorney
Illegal Immigration and Workers Compensation
Undocumented workers are an invisible workforce that can benefit from the counsel of a worker’s compensation attorney. According to OSHA statistics, nearly 40% of meat packing employees have injured on the job annually. Some individual plants have experienced injury rates as high as 60%. A significant number of these injuries were trauma injuries. By its nature, the tasks that require the use of sharp knives and hand tools combined with slippery floors where workers lift and move heavy carcasses; make the meatpacking plants extremely dangerous work environment. Undocumented workers are hired to keep wages low, hours long, and workplace injuries off the record. When an undocumented worker is injured and given a return to light duty work, the carrier can deny the lost wage benefit because the injured worker does not have a valid social security number.

Worker’s compensation lawyer in Charlotte, NC

Undocumented workers should be aware that the law provides them protection should they get injured at work. If you or someone you know has been injured at work, and if you are looking for worker’s comp attorneys who have years of experience; consider The Olive Law Firm in Charlotte, NC. Call their offices for a complimentary consultation in English or Spanish. It does not matter what kind of work related injury you have, you deserve to know your options. The Olive Law Firm has been helping Carolinians understand their rights and seek justice since 1957. Call them today to schedule a free consultation with a worker’scompensation attorney.

Preventing auto injury when you are pregnant

Auto injury
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Safe travel when pregnant
Pregnant women must be careful to avoid auto injury. It is evident that when compared with women who were not involved in car accidents, pregnant drivers had elevated rates of premature birth, placental abruption, and premature rupture of the membranes after a car accident. There should be no surprise that failure to use seat belts and cars without airbags are associated with elevated rates of pregnancy complications.

Safe travel during pregnancy

  • Wear your seatbelt properly
  • Properly adjust your seat
  • Never turn off the airbag function
  • Whenever possible, ride as a passenger in the back seat

Safety for the baby
It is recommended that you take the opportunity to carefully shop for a car seat. The safest and the only seat that should be purchased for newborn are the kinds that is installed in the back seat facing the rear of the car. Never buy a seat until you can determine that it is compatible with your automobile. It is recommended that you install your car seat at least three weeks before your due date.

A reputable car accident attorney in Charlotte, NC

Safety is your first concern, but in the event that you are involved in a car accident, you will need a qualified and competent car accident attorney. The Olive Law Firm of Charlotte, NC has handled thousands of auto accident and personal injury cases. Their attorneys are experienced and qualified representatives for many types of injury claims; including car accidents, pedestrian accidents, and more. If you are ever in an accident or received an auto injury, contact a car accident attorney from The Olive Law Firm for a free consultation.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Need a car accident lawyer in Charlotte?

Car accident lawyer
Car accident injuries
It is advisable that you consult a Charlotte car accident lawyer even if you feel that you were not injured in a car crash. You need a qualified professional on your side because car accidents are mentally traumatic and they can also take a toll on you emotionally, physically and financially. If you or a loved has sustained serious injuries that can cause you to miss an extended number of days from work, then it is in your best interest to exercise your legal right to seek fair compensation for damages.

When you file an injury claim you are able to hold the driver who is liable for your injuries accountable, by seeking restitution for medical bills, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering and lost wages. Without an assertive legal advocate to represent you, you will most likely end up receiving a far lower settlement than you deserve. Remember that the insurance companies will not pay more money than is necessary because they are only looking out for their own best interests, not yours.

Speak with one of the top accident attorneys in Charlotte, NC

Even if you are not sure that you have a case, you have nothing to lose by seeking advice from a car accident injury attorney from the Olive Law Firm. They have been helping residents of North Carolina seek justice for nearly 60 years. Consult with a car accident lawyer from the Olive law Firm in Charlotte, Raleigh, and Asheville, NC, as well as the surrounding areas.

Are you injured from a slip or fall accident?

Are you injured
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Trends in fall accidents
Are you injured from a slip or fall? If so, you are part of a remarkable growing trend. The number of car crashes has actually fallen more than 25 percent since 2002. Unfortunately, that decrease has been lost because of an increase in the number of deaths that are the result of slip and fall accidents, which are up more than 45 percent.

Admittedly, there is a lack of knowledge about risk factors for slip and fall, and proper methods of prevention. Some people believe that falls are a normal part of aging are not as preventable or effective as automobile safety or gun safety. Increased numbers of baby boomers will quite naturally, increase as the number of baby boomers turn seventy years old or more. Special care must be taken to ensure that preventable conditions are closely monitored in an effort to create environments that are safer for populations that are prone to slips and falls. This includes renovation bath and kitchen areas, stairways, as well as exterior paths and walkways. The numbers do not lie, and the numbers always change for the better when we focus on the problem and create solutions.

Get answers to your questions from the charlotte accident lawyers
If you have been in an accident, truck crash, motorcycle crash, bicycle accident, or any other type of driving incident, contact the Olive Law Firm of Charlotte, NC. The he Olive law firm has been helping Carolinians find just compensation for personal injury cases for over 56 years. Call their office today to schedule a free consultation for your personal injury case. Why are you injured and you have not called Olive Law Firm?