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Subtle but serious
Falling off unsafe scaffolding is an obvious workplace injury, but mesothelioma is a problem that demands an accident lawyer with extraordinary skill and experience. The main reason that mesthelioma cases require extraordinary effort and skill is because anywhere from 10 to 40 can pass before the asbestos victim exhibits symptoms.
The use of asbestos
Asbestos is a microscopic fiber which is extracted from a common mineral. It was formally used in countless consumer products and for construction materials such as ceiling and floor tiles, or insulation. It was so heavily utilized because of its strength and its fire and heat-resistant properties. Asbestos was known to be hazardous as far back as the early 20th century; yet, many companies ignored the warnings and knowingly exposed their employees.
Wrongful death attorney in Charlotte, NC
If you are seeking compensation and damages for illness or the death of a loved one who was exposed to asbestos, call The Olive Law Firm in Charlotte, NC. No amount of money can bring your loved one back. However, pursuing legal compensation for medical expenses, funeral costs, and lost wages can ease the financial hardships that survivors will face as they move forward and attempt to rebuild their life. The Olive Law Firm provides the experienced and skillful legal representation that surviving households need to successfully obtain compensation for their loss. Call and speak with one of their accident lawyers about mesothelioma in Charlotte, Raleigh, and Asheville, NC.